Idag fick jag svar från en annan tysk systerorganisation, Michael Wilczynski, BVDM e.V. Han beskriver hur myndigheter i varje delstat kan bestämma över att stänga vägar för MC-förare, om det sker mer än 4 olyckor på 500 meter. Skulle vi ha samma system i Sverige skulle t ex Bogesundsvägen och Slingerbulten. Problemet handlar om både fart och buller. Och, precis som i Sverige framhåller han att samarbete med myndigheter är den enda möjliga vägen.
Så här säger Michael:
"In Germany we have a great problem with closing roads for bikes. Germany is splitted in many countrys ( North Rhine Westfalia, Bavaria, Rheinland Pfalz, Sachsen etc.) and to close roads is not in the Hand of Germany Council. Its in the law of the countrys council. So there are some differences.
If there are more than 4 similar accidents on a track of 500 meters, the police and the admistrative office come together to reduce the accidents. It is easy to close the road, to make it safe. But nowhere in Germany a road has been closed for cars. Close to health centers it is also possible to ban bikes, because the patients in that center need quiet.
Some roads are closed for lorrys with dangerous goods.
Also we have plaques for cars. red yello and green. In some towns or streets it is forbidden to drive by car without plaques or the wrong plaques. This is for the environmental protection.
30 years ago there were a lot of bad motorcycle accidents near to my homepoint. Then the council of the town Hagen closed the road for the biker. They said, it is for the bikers safety. And in the statistics there are more accidents!
And then they started closing roads for us.
In 1995 till 2004, there was no problem, because they don't close more roads for us. But since 2004 it started again. Every little village try to close popular streets of the biker. If there are a lot of accidents, we can´t do something, because the German courts will give them that it is right.
But a few times the city majors told the truth. It is not about the accidents, it is about the noise. In this case we try to go to the court and we win! Loudness is not dangerous enough to close roads for biker!
Now they try to make roads unpopular for biker. They damage the street and install transverse grooves. It is not rally fair, but its better then closing roads.
A lot of problems about closing roads are self made by the motorcyclists. They try to make races on normal streets. They take it on video and send it on the videoplatforms in the net. The politicans see it and they overract. Here some videos of popular streets in Germany.
Often is on the road 50 or 70 km/h allowed. But the boys and girls go more then 150 km/h.
We make demonstrations, near the roads against the officials, but we also say in our speeches that is not okay to make normal roads to racing tracks. We try to cooperate with the officials and make the tracks save.
But the Germans are all silly. If you talk to them, this road will be closed for us they answer, no problem there are enough roads were i can race then.
The last two demonstrations near to a closed road, (near Köln and Ruhrgebiet) we had 200 and the last time only 80 biker to fight for their rights. We must make bigger fights against the politicans, but the bikers are not really interested.
The action in the motorcyclemagzine was okay, but I think we dont win something. Only the communication with the official and the biker is the right way."