23 Juni-08 Juli. Polonia Slovacchia Repubblica Ceca Germania

All photos here https://goo.gl/WYstfH

23 June 2018 (140 km) After returning this trip last year due to my wife's injury this year everything went smoothly. Finally we start. The day could not be better. A few kilometers we reach Trelleborg to embark on the ferry to Świnoujście in Poland. We immediately get acquainted with an English biker returning from Sweden. Very friendly and nice person. The crossing takes place quietly with a very calm sea and like a Swiss clock at 16.30 the ship has already docked at the port. We say goodbye to our English friend and we head straight to the city of Szczecin about 110 km away. Through Booking.com I booked at the Hotel Campanile located very close to the historic center and complete with a secure garage right under the structure. Once the luggage is settled, we go immediately to the center for a short walk. We follow the City Tourist Route or an easily identifiable route consisting of a red dashed line on the sidewalk that starting from the central station with the help of a tourist map of the city takes you around to discover the most important sites of the city! Among other things, at each stop there are panels with a detailed description of the place you are visiting. Really brilliant and at the same time fun. The places of greatest interest are on the left bank of the river Oder. The Gothic church of St. John the Baptist stands out, the beautiful central square (Rynek Sienny) with its colorful houses and finally the Castle of the Pomeranian Dukes. Inside there are many people in how many a medieval festival takes place with costumes, music and lots of food. Beautiful the University of the Navy building and the famous Waly Chrobrego, a magnificent terrace on the river Oder symbol of the city that offers a magnificent view of the city's port. It was evening and it is time to return. Tomorrow we have a long day on the road.









24 Juni 2018 (420 km) Efter att ha vilat i stort finns det inget bättre än en rejäl frukost förrän efter den oundvikliga kaffe med min mocka rätt att börja bra! Kontinental frukost är riklig och varierad och efter att ha fyllt upp utnyttjar vi förbereda lite smörgås till lunch. Vädret är inte dåligt. Molnigt men inget regn förväntas och temperaturen är idealisk för att åka med motorcykel. Längs vägen vi lockas av en stor vit staty av Kristus, är verkligen imponerande och nyfikenhet så att vi gör en kort avstickare. Detta är Kristus kungen av Świebodzin https://goo.gl/Dc9SNV. En kolossal staty av 52,5 meter hög inklusive basen. Statyn ensam är 36 meter lång. Verkligen imponerande. Under tiden har solen också kommit ut. Efter en kort paus satte vi oss igen för att komma fram till en magisk plats ca 60 km nordväst om Wroclaw (Wroclaw). Det är Lubiąż Abbey https://goo.gl/NBHrrx anses vara en av de största byggnaderna i världen av denna typ. Huvudfasaden av hisnande skönhet mäter bara 223 meter! Skam att ha kommit till byggnaden stängd, även om den endast delvis besökte. Vi träffar de senaste besökarna och vi måste vara nöjda med ett externt besök. Strukturen är verkligen stor och en lång promenad är nödvändig för att täcka hela omkretsen. Under andra världskriget användes byggnaderna av tyskarna för att bygga motorerna från de berömda V2-missilerna. Verkligen en fantastisk plats. Senaste 60 kilometer och anländer sent på kvällen i den vackra staden Wroclaw https://goo.gl/VP6x1H Wroklaw eller när jag bokat på Centrum Dikul Hotel, som ligger fem minuters promenad från centrum och fri parkering i hotellets innergård. Vädret verkar ha förvärrats betydligt och faktiskt, efter ungefär en timme från vår ankomst börjar det att regna tungt. För ikväll, ingen scouting och middag i ett rum med rumänska konserverade specialiteter, en oändlig godhet !!









June 26, 2018 (290 km) After a hearty breakfast we leave the city of Wroklaw under a gray sky that does not bode well and in fact after a few kilometers it starts to rain, at first slightly and then the deluge. After the first 100 km under a torrential rain, we stop at a service area to decide what to do. By checking the "Weather Pro" app, which I highly recommend (very detailed four-hour forecast), we realize that the bad weather is moving right in the direction of Krakow where we are heading. The idea was to deviate to Zamek to visit the shrine of the black Madonna but even in those parts the forecasts are very bad. So you decide to wait about two hours until the rain ends. The choice is correct and about twenty kilometers before Krakow we make a small detour to visit the Castle of Pieskowa Skała founded by King Casimiro the Great as a further fortress falling in the chain of fortifications placed to defend the direct trade route from Krakow in Silesia. To get there from the parking lot you have to walk for about 500 meters immersed in a wonderful forest. In the meantime finally the sun starts peeping through the clouds. Once again the bike will soon reach the old city of kings in Krakow. I found accommodation at the Piano Guest House, a private house run by a very kind lady. The place is not central, about 2 km from the square but it is very quiet with the possibility to park the bike on the road for free. The exceptional and varied breakfast is served in the living room of the house tastefully furnished and antique furniture. We take a shower quickly and immediately we go downtown for an exploratory walk. The weather has greatly improved and there is also the sun. We take this opportunity for a walk in the central square and in the neighboring streets until you reach the castle and then return to the hotel immersed in the romantic atmosphere of one of the most beautiful cities in Poland.

















27 June 2018 (km 0) Today we dedicate the day to visit the magnificent city of Krakow. A good part of the day goes away for a visit to the castle. The rest is dedicated to the countless monuments and places of interest of this extraordinary city that offers its visitors unforgettable moments and places. The evening ends with a wonderful classical music concert at one of the most beautiful churches in the city.










June 28, 2018 (km 40) Today we would have had to leave the city of Krakow to visit the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps and Wieliczka salt mine and then head to Zakopane in the Tatra mountains but the weather forecast is very bad so we decide to spend one more night in Krakow and saw the bad weather visit the mine which is one of the oldest salt mines in the world; the oldest is in Bochnia, also in Poland, 20 km from Wieliczka. The mine reaches a depth of 327 meters and has tunnels and tunnels for a total extension of 287 km even if only 1% can be visited. We arrive just in time at the mines and it starts to rain but we do not mind spending about 3 hours and half covered through a very interesting guided tour that will lead us to the discovery of this UNESCO site through ornate rooms, chapels and underground lakes statues of historical and religious figures, all carved by miners directly in the halls, a real show in addition to telling the story of the mine. After the visit and back in the open air we are greeted by torrential rain. We wait for the rain to cease a bit and then wear the raincoat and take the bike back to the city to celebrate our ten years of marriage based on Polish specialties.


29 June 2018 (210 km) The decision to stay one more night in Krakow was a winner for the weather. The day is cloudy but there is no rain and it is quite hot. Today we will visit one of the saddest memorial sites in Europe, the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps, about 75 km from the city. After the inevitable coffee with mocha and a hearty breakfast, we leave the city traffic and soon reach the parking lot of the Auschwitz concentration camp (in Polish Oświęcim) https://goo.gl/vC7Rwo. We book the guided tour in Italian and we wait to be called. The visit begins at the entrance of the camp with the famous "ARBEIT MACHT FREI" which translates from 'German makes free'. The Auschwitz camp complex, the largest ever built by the Germans, played a fundamental role in the project of "final solution of the Jewish question", namely the extermination of Jews and other categories of prisoners, rapidly becoming Germany's most efficient extermination center Nazi. The visit takes place through some sectors of the field, transformed into a museum of memory. Many can not hold back their tears and continue the visit in a dutiful silence in memory of all those who have suffered and tragically lost their lives. Through a bus you go to the Birkenau concentration camp (Auschwitz 2) where everything remained as it was on the day of liberation. Walking along these avenues, visiting the huts, you feel the horror that oozes this land on your skin, it seems to hear the voices of millions of people, as if they whispered in your ear not to forget, because it never happens again, to watch forward to a better world. In the bookstore near the camp we had the privilege and the good fortune to meet Eva Mozes Kor, a child who survived Auschwitz and the monstrous experiments of Dr. Mengele who she underwent together with her twin sister. We took a picture together, not hiding a strong emotion, asking for a dedication for our daughter (flea!) On her book "Surviving - The angel of the death". With his well-groomed hands he wrote "Learn history to never forget". When my daughter is older she will come to visit these places of memory. Not to forget. Never. We leave the camp and head towards the Tatra mountains towards Zakopane, a renowned ski resort in southern Poland. We arrive in the evening at the Hotel Walkowy Dwor located in a quiet area with views of the mountains and free parking. The hotel restaurant is great and we have dinner based on Polish specialties. On booking I had read about a wellness center of the structure then discovered a sauna inside a large barrel located in the garden. I ask the owner if it is possible to use it and in the meantime we have dinner the sauna is ready. Put the costume with my wife we ​​go down to the garden with the sauna all for us! In the meantime it has begun to pour down and it is wonderful to go out in the rain to cool off. My wife can not stand the heat but I do it in and out under torrential rain for at least an hour! He could not finish this day in a better way.










01 July 2018 (170 km) The sun keeps us company even today. After breakfast we get back on the road again through a good part of the Slovak Paradise National Park with a short stop for a coffee in Brezno. Shortly after we arrive in the beautiful town of Banská Bystrica located on the banks of the river Hron at the foot of the Low Tatras range. In the XIII century it was well known for its silver and copper mines. Today the two contiguous main squares of Slovenské Narodné Povstanie and Štefan Mojzes are the main attraction of the city with the obelisk of the Red Army, the Clock Tower of 1567, the Cathedral of St. Francis Xavier of 1703, the Episcopal Palace of 1733 , the Column of the Madonna of 1719. From the clock tower you can enjoy a wonderful view over the whole square. We take advantage of the long break to eat a sandwich for lunch and take a coffee in the company of a couple of guys (he Italian, her Hungarian) in a bar in the square. Returning the bike we arrive at our final destination today Banská Štiavnica included among the UNESCO heritage sites. I found accommodation at the Penzion na Kopci a structure with all the rooms with a breathtaking view of the historic center about ten minutes away through a pleasant walk and with free parking. Fixed your luggage and quickly took a shower down in the historic center to visit the city. There are not many people and this makes it even more beautiful. Note from 1075 for its reserves of gold and silver it soon became a very rich city. In 1735 a very important mining technique school was opened which continued to operate uninterruptedly until 1918. Virtually every house has a mine used in the past. We spend the afternoon and a good part of the evening to visit the most important monuments including the Holy Trinity column in the homonymous square, the church of Santa Caterina, of Gothic origin, the Town Hall, also of Gothic origin, the Starý zamok ( Old castle), built in anti-Turkish function, the Klopačka, building of 1544, whose bell marked the time of mining work, the Gothic church of Frauenberg, dedicated to the Virgin Mary of the Snow, the new castle and one of the tunnels of a old house in the center. After dinner with Polish specialties we return the hotel to enjoy a night view of the city from our magnificent terrace sipping a hot tea. What a show !









30 June 2018 (200 km) After the rain of last night we are greeted by a magnificent day. We can not wait to get going. After the usual coffee and an abundant breakfast we leave Zakopane to head for Slovakia. The magnificent road is immersed in the forest in the middle of the Tatra mountains. On the way we make a short stop to visit the small wooden church of Jaszczurówka built in the early twentieth century. A few kilometers and we enter Slovak territory. Soon we leave the mountains behind our backs and even the bad weather from what we can see, we enjoy the sun. We cross a flat area with an amazing view of the Tatra mountains. In particular a large field of rape with the background of the monatgne, the clouds and the blue sky. To leave speechless any traveler. We arrive at the first leg of today one of the UNESCO World Heritage sites, the beautiful town of Levoča. We park right next to the majestic church of San Giacomo. The city has a beautiful historical center with a well preserved city wall and a Renaissance church, precisely that of St. James with the highest wooden altar in Europe, sculpted by the master Pavol of Levoča. The interiors are wonderful with works of art of inestimable value. After visiting the church we walk through the streets of the old town and in particular the square that is almost perfectly preserved and contains many buildings that housed the local nobility in the late Middle Ages. We also descend on the walls surrounding the old town center and then take a lunch break in the shade of a small park. It starts again to reach after about twenty kilometers in a site also this UNESCO World Heritage site of a beauty to leave speechless, even a great day in the sun. It is the Spiš castle (in Slovak Spišský hrad) located in eastern Slovakia, above the village of Žehra in the district of Levoča. Built in the twelfth century on the site of a former castle, it was for a long time the political, administrative, economic and cultural center of the area. The visit with the audio guide is very interesting and from the castle and the walls you can enjoy an amazing view over the whole territory. After leaving the castle, we stop off to visit the Spišská Kapitula, an ecclesiastical citadel in excellent condition, located in the Slovak municipality of Spišské Podhradie, at the foot of Spiš Castle. The citadel includes the cathedral of San Martino, a former monastery and a single street, all dating back to the Middle Ages, and surrounded by city walls. From the lower door you have a magnificent view of Spiš Castle, which stands on the opposite hill. Once again the bike goes through one of the nine Slovak national parks, the Slovak Paradise National Park, to arrive in the Ľadová pension in the middle of the park in the evening, a very quiet area in the woods. The intention is to visit the Dobšinská ice cave tomorrow. With the last euro pay the pension and we realize only now, visiting the website that for the entrance to the cave you can pay only in cash and the nearest ATM is about 25 km through mountain roads! Patience will be for the next time. For tonight we enjoy all the tranquility of this enchanting place surrounded by nature. We have dinner with what we have, meat soup, bread and some fruit. For today it can suffice.





