24 Febbraio 2019 - Stenstuan, Horsahallen (SWE)

24 February 2019 - Stenstuan, Horsahallen

All the photos here https://goo.gl/9Pt6Ps

After a saturday spent partially in motion with a nice barbecue in the forest and a magnificent sunny day, today it is replicated with a long day on the road, still a happy and sunny day. The temperature is around 7 degrees already in the morning. On the road a hawk perched on a highway sign does not notice our passage allowing me to photograph the moment in which it stands out. We reach the lake Krageholm where in the small equipped area surrounded by ancient trees and a breathtaking view of the lake, we stop for the inevitable coffee and orange cake. We continue the day through enchanting places on unpaved roads, often in the woods to reach Lake Gyllebo, where we stop for lunch. Let's take out what's left of the dessert followed by a good coffee. Shooting the bikes we head towards the east coast near Simrishamn to visit the site of rock carvings in Simrislund, in particular the Yxornas häll right next to the sea. Here during the nineteenth century, there was a quarry of the rock and it was then that these incisions were discovered. Today there are about 250 images and 50 of them are ax-shaped motifs, hence the name of the place. If you look carefully you can also observe, in addition to the axes, ships, crosses on wheels, circles, people and animals. We take the opportunity to take a short walk by the sea right in front of the rock site. Shooting the bikes we head towards Gladsax. On a small hill in the middle of a private field is Stenstuan, a megalithic tomb dating back to the Stone Age. The area between Gladsax and Baskemölla is a burial area and is rich in ancient monuments from various eras. The tomb was built 5,500 years ago. Most of the engravings, however, were added during the Bronze Age, but some researchers claim that many of the 90 drawings in the upper part of the block could have been carved when the tomb was erected. In order to be able to understand the incisions it is necessary to observe them from above what is not easy not being able to get on the stone to avoid damaging it. There are ships, axles, crossed wheels and a circle. A great, very interesting place. Shooting the bikes along a long stretch of unpaved road to reach near Vitemölla on a hill with a magnificent view of the sea. From here we come to Kivik to get gas. We go down to the small marina where we make a last stop for the last coffee of the day right by the sea. From here you leave to return home. Along the way the sunset sun gives us magnificent scenery, and then slowly disappears in the hills of the Swedish countryside. See you next time.








