23 mars 2019 - Herremannabron-Sjörup kyrkoruin -Balkåkra kyrkoruin-Pumphuset

March 23, 2019 - Herremannabron-Sjörup kyrkoruin -Balkåkra kyrkoruin-Pumphuset
All photos here https://goo.gl/uphZYA

Gray morning and not at all inviting for a walk in motion but the weather forecasts give an improvement for midday and I just have to wait patiently. As expected, the weather has improved a lot and the sun has returned at times. I am going to the Häckberga nature reserve in the hope of meeting some deer but in the areas where I can usually see these beautiful animals there is no trace. Then I decide to make a small detour to Prästskogan and suddenly I find a huge pack in the middle of the fields at the edge of the forest. With the bike turned off, I walk along the road that leads into the woods and then remaining hidden among the trees I manage to get close to a small hill and just behind it I find them in front of me. They immediately notice my presence but I have time to photograph them before they run away. It is always a joy to meet these beautiful animals in the natural habitat. I take this opportunity to have lunch and the inevitable coffee. I set off towards Östra Vemmenhög to reach the Herremannabron a dry stone bridge without mortar from 1850. A few steps away is an original stele from the late Viking age, about 980-1050. The modern Swedish text reads "Bron placed this stone for Brother Buse". Probably Bror and Buse were men of the Danish king and with this stone they wanted to signal their closeness to the king. The ruins of the church of Sjörup, built between 1150 and 1170 and rebuilt after a long period of decline starting in 1882, are true again. In front of the church there is a rune stone probably from the 900 called Sjörupstenen. The text reads: "Saxi laid this stone for Asbjörn, his relative, son of Toka. He did not flee to Uppsala, but fought until he had the weapons ". From here I walk five kilometers to reach the ruins of the Balkåkra church. It is a Romanesque stone church from around 1200 with a late medieval tower. The church was abandoned in 1867, when the Marsvinsholm church was inaugurated. A very picturesque and evocative place. Resumed the bike, I headed to Vollsjö to visit the Pumphuset, one of the few old water pumping stations on the railway. The octagonal water tower was built in 1865, while the circular wooden extension was added in 1907 and was used to pump water onto the steam locomotive circuit. The train station was abandoned in 1980 and now only a section of the ancient tracks that cross the bridge remains. Pumphuset plays an important role in the autobiographical works of Fritiof Nilsson called the Pirate, namely Nils Fritiof Adam Nilsson and his novel "Bombi Bitt och Jag" from 1932. A few meters from the Pumphuset is the small museum dedicated to the writer with a beautiful statue of the same.









