22 April 2019 - Dagshögs Stenbrott-Torekov

22 April 2019 - Dagshögs Stenbrott-Torekov

All photos here https://bit.ly/2ZzqEUD

VIDEO https://www.facebook.com/Francescoinviaggio.it/videos/10157050385504043/?t=5

Perfect day for a nice bike ride. Temperature around 16 degrees, extraordinary blue sky, bright sunshine and excellent forecasts for the whole day. At the start we are a nice little group excited about this new adventure on the road. The road runs quickly until it reaches Kågeröd. From here begins the beauty of the day, tens and tens of kilometers on dirt roads through forests, lakes and rivers, immersed in an explosion of colors, among beautiful spring scenery and breathtaking views. Let's make a brief stop for the inevitable coffee and orange cake. We often meet lots of bikers. We come to the shores of Lake Väster. It hasn't rained for days and the roads are completely dry. We have raised so much of that dust as we pass that we find it everywhere. On the shores of the lake we take a lunch break and enjoy this beautiful sunny day. Before leaving, we take out what remains of the cake and then finish off with a good coffee. We leave the dirt roads to head towards the sea on the Bjärekusten just a little further south from Torekov where we reach the Dagshögs Stenbrott, today a nature reserve but between 1904 and 1909 this area was a stone quarry, mainly used for paving and sent in Denmark. Today it is an extraordinary place, wild with breathtaking views of the sea and along the coast. The sky is very clear and the sun sets right on the sea. I decide to come back later, I can't miss this opportunity. In the meantime we were only two. After the motorbikes, we reach the picturesque fishing village of Torekov after a few kilometers with beautiful colored houses and paved streets. Right in front of the small marina is the Skjulet, an ancient wooden building with a side open towards the sea in 1824. The building had different functions but in particular here the families of sailors and fishermen waited for the return of the boats in port . Right next to the small museum is the "Big Battery", a series of cannons built in 1801 as a defense against the British navy. Right next to the sea on some rocks is the famous Lotshus. This small yellow house has been here since 1878. From here the pilot was ready to help the boats that were supposed to overcome the dangerous waters near Hallands Väderö. You could see what happened in a stretch of sea from Tylön in Halland to Kullen in Skåne. During the day, the ships used flags to warn the pilot that they needed help. At night, instead, lamps were used for signaling. This type of activity ended in the mid-1930s. Today, the house is a symbol of Torekov. Next to the pier is the S.ta Thoras sten, a large stone. According to tradition, it was on this stone that the virgin Thora floated up to the shore after being sent to sea with her brothers by their bad stepmother. Here the blind fisherman Frenne found her and promised to bury her in consecrated ground. Immediately the fisherman regained his sight and the girl Thora was declared saint of the village. Once on the pier, the sea is splendid and I can't resist taking a dip in my underwear! The water is chilly but not in an exaggerated way and I end up making four dives in the water! In the sun you are very well and it takes little to dry. Not only the only one to try. Now it's time for a good ice cream. On the small square we chat with other motorcyclists. Before returning to Dagshögs Stenbrott we make the last coffee of the day. Once we got back on the bike, we reached the place an hour or so before sunset. We take the opportunity to relax a little while sitting comfortably with a breathtaking view of the sea. At 20.00 the sun is already very low. The sky lights up with an orange color, the stones seem to catch fire, the sea shines with thousands of lights, I have no words to describe this wonder of nature. Until next time.








