21 Januari 2019 - Måkläppen och sälar !

21 January 2019 - Måkläppen and the gray seals
All the photos here https://goo.gl/66DYQ2

The 2019 motorcycle season here in Sweden begins with a very special motogita. It's a fairly cold day, the thermometer scores +1 but the weather seems to promise a nice sunny day. Here in Malmö the weather is not the best but more to the south where I'm going it should be much better. To be sure I call a friend who lives in those parts and I get the confirmation that the sky is blue there and shines a magnificent sun. Taken all the necessary shortly they are already in motion. No ice in the streets and the temperature marks zero degrees. In short, I drive 35 km to reach the Måkläppen nature reserve located in Falsterbo in the municipality of Vellinge, south of Malmö. Parked the bike I begin my long walk. The nature reserve consists of large sand deposits, which constantly change shape and size due to ocean currents and wind. It is Sweden's oldest nature reserve and an important breeding area for coastal birds and seals. The former island, now a tongue of land, is open to the public during the winter months from 1 November to 31 January. The rest of the year is forbidden to enter the reserve and the ban also applies to the waters around Måkläppen. Being the oldest nature reserve in Sweden, Måkläppen was placed under protection in 1902. In the '30s the area had only about 50x100 meters of exposed land. With the continuous movement of the sand, Måkläppen has increased its size and has attached itself to the mainland and is now moving north. From the Flommen Gold Club where I parked the bike after about an hour's walk and 3.5 km I reach the southernmost point of the reserve and here begins the show. Hundreds of gray seals in their natural habitat intent on fishing, playing with each other and relaxing in the sun and taking a bath. Some seem to be very curious of the numerous visitors and by sea they bring near the beach to give a look. You would never stop looking at them. After about two hours spent observing these wonderful animals in their habitat I go back to my steps. After about an hour I reach the bike. The sun still shines and so I decide to make a little detour towards the Klagshamn pier to look at the Öresund bridge from another perspective. Satisfied with my first day on the road of 2019 and happy to have had the good fortune and the privilege of observing the gray seals in their natural environment, I headed home, the weather is already changing and for tomorrow snow is expected! See you next time.






