2019 July - In camping with dad ! Sweden

All pictures here https://bit.ly/2YwoLGu

Motorbike used: Bmw GS 1200 R

Departure: 25 July 2019

Arrival: 29 July 2019

Km traveled: 1,500

Countries visited: Sweden

25 July 2019 (375 km) The promises are always kept! After work I am ready to leave for Stockholm to take my daughter "flea" and spend a few days on the camping bike. I've already prepared everything I need in the previous days I just have to wear motorcycle clothing, close the house and access the engine! It is 5.00 pm and there is a beautiful sunny day with a temperature of 26 degrees. About 620 km await me, more than half of which I cover today. It starts at last if not before a message to the flea with lots of photos: dad is coming! The first few kilometers pass quickly by highway. The temperature has risen to 30 degrees! Entering the Småland region I make a small detour to visit the ruins of the mediaeval church of Hallsjö whose origins date back to 1390. Today very little remains of what was was the church but the place is very impressive and worth a visit. It starts again following the motorway. Near Värnamo I leave the highway to cover the last 120 km to Tranås along secondary roads. Near Järnboda I stop for dinner on the Torrmyra lake. The place is lovely. There are people who bathe, the thermometer marks +32! Chino based on meat with meat. I am tempted to take a dip in the lake given the heat but I still have a bit of road ahead. It starts again along a great stretch of road between woods and lakes up to Eksjö and then finally reaches its destination, Tranås Vandrarhem, a hostel located in a very quiet wooded area. The value for money is excellent and there is ample free parking. A hot shower and then to bed, for today can be enough.

26-27-28 July 2019 (325 km) Sone is seven in the morning. The sun is already warm and there is a magnificent day. I take everything I need for breakfast and sit comfortably outside. The smell of coffee with mocha spreads in the air and I can't wait to enjoy a big cup with tranquility, all accompanied by bread and nutella! Once the bike is loaded I leave the hostel to quickly travel the stretch of road to Stockholm. When I reach my destination, my daughter meets me, running full of joy to wrap me in a very long time hug that only a dad can understand. Before leaving for the campsite, we have lunch at the grandparents' house and then, arranging the last things, I prepare my daughter for the trip. His face is radiant and full of happiness. You ride a motorbike with dad! Some souvenir photos and off to Bredsand near Enköping about 85 km from Stockholm. It is very hot and along the way we make a stop "ice cream" to cool off a little. Finally we reach the Nordic Camping Bredsand right on the banks of the Malaren the third largest lake in Sweden, after the Vänern and Vättern lakes. Fantastic place to spend a holiday with children. After checking in, we carefully choose the place to set up the tent. Lake view a few meters from the water and complete with centuries-old pines to shade us in the morning. I explain to my daughter how to set up the tent and how to fix it pretty well so that it doesn't fly away with the wind. Once everything is in place and the luggage is placed, inflate the mattress and place the sleeping bags for the night. Finally, when the bike is next to the tent, our camping holiday can begin. First of all a nice refreshing bath in the calm waters of the lake given the 33 degrees! Then a shower and dinner preparations. Today you can choose between rice with chili and meat or ravioli. I let the flea decide. After dinner and clean the dishes, my daughter is looking forward to fishing. I bought her a fishing rod just to have some fun. I explain how the reel works and how to throw the bait. It takes very little to learn quickly. Honestly, using the fly, I didn't think he could take anything and instead I had to change my mind. After about half an hour of throwing a large perch (abhors) bite the hook! I leave you to imagine the joy of my daughter and also mine, her first fish and also beautiful big one! In short, as the first day of camping could not have gone better. He will talk about his fish and how he caught it until he is tired and won't fall asleep. The rest of the days will pass pleasantly between games in the water, relaxation, fishing not really lucky this time and lots of laughter.
29 July 2019 (730 km) Unfortunately it is time to return. It's seven o'clock and my daughter sleeps peacefully. I take this opportunity to make myself a good coffee in the quiet morning. When I woke up I made her breakfast and then we started to take everything apart. Once the bike is loaded and the companions of the tent are greeted, we return to Stockholm where I will leave my daughter and return to Malmö. Once at the destination, I pause for something to eat and leave immediately. Today the number of kilometers to be covered will be 730. Once in Linköping I leave the highway to cover some secondary roads. Beautiful and exciting is the section that crosses Tobo, Ulrika from road 23 until it reaches Kisa. A succession of curves between lakes and centuries-old woods of extraordinary beauty. I continue my way with some coffee stops until I reach Nydala near Värnamo where I stop to visit the ancient monastery. The present church includes the ruins of the founded convent 1143 by the Cistercian monks who lived there for 400 years. In 1568, the Danes sacked, burned and destroyed the convent. It was partially rebuilt in 1688. Taking the bike back, I cover the last few kilometers until I reach home in the evening. I still live the memory of these days spent with my daughter on the campsite, her joy and her astonishment at having fished her first fish, the smile and light-heartedness of a young girl who is growing fast. Until next time.






