18 Mars 2018 - Svaneholm, Stjärneholm, Borgeby, Bjärred

18 Mars 2018 - Svaneholm, Stjärneholm, Borgeby, Bjärred

All the photos here https://goo.gl/5k6ngQ

After yesterday's weather the weather wanted to be forgiven with a magnificent sunny day! Cold but extraordinary day. With the rest of the family busy skiing I can not miss the opportunity for a nice bike ride. The thermometer marks -2 but the sun is so hot that it has already melted the ice in the streets, at least in the city. I prepare something to eat and then immediately on the bike listening to my favorite music. I head to Häckeberga. I think I'll have to change itinerary several times. After yesterday's snowstorm, the secondary roads are still covered by a light layer of snow that has become icy at low temperatures. Although you can go through those stretches of road where the ice has already melted paying close attention, in some places it is not really possible except with the spiked wheels. Better not to risk it. The problem is that I have taken too far and now I have to find a way to turn the bike without letting it slip. Step by step you go back. Better to use the roads of great distance quite clean and without any problem. I reach the castle of Svaneholm and its beautiful park. The lake is still partially frozen and filled with a large number of birds. I follow the path that crosses the periplus of the lake, giving me magnificent views. On a small pier near an equipped area, stop to eat something. Enchanting view of the castle. You can not miss the coffee with the inevitable moka accompanied by a delicious apple pie made the day before. The aroma of coffee spreads all around and is so good and pleasant that it seems to me that even the ducks in the neighborhood want a bit! The coffee pot is big enough to be able to offer a cup to a couple who welcome my invitation with great enthusiasm. I resume the march around the lake until I reach the parking lot where I took the bike and made a few kilometers to the ruins of the castle of Stjärneholm. The castle was built at the beginning of the 16th century. by the Danish governor Mogens Gyldenstjerne. It had a large moat still visible but it was not a real defense structure, but rather a country estate. It was demolished in 1627 and today there are only a few ruins but in itself the place is very impressive especially with all this snow. We start towards Borgeby another castle that has its roots in one of the Viking kings Harald Blåtand of Trelleborg. During the Middle Ages and until 1536 Borgeby was one of the archbishopric of the city of Lund. The castle is very beautiful. Enchanting is the long river with its wooden platforms and benches where you can relax and enjoy a wonderful view. Here it is possible to rent canoes and small rowing boats. For those who love fishing this is area of ​​big pike. After a good hour spent in the sun in absolute peace it is time to enjoy a lovely sunset over the sea. A few kilometers and I reach Långa Bryggan in Bjärred. I had already been there on March 4th to admire the beauty of the frozen sea. I walk the 500 meters of the long pier that leads to the sauna-restaurant. Hundreds of birds float in the calm surrounding waters. Many swans with their puppies. Once in the building I order a boiling coffee and sit comfortably out on the terrace with a breathtaking view of the Danish coast. From time to time I hear the shouting of women and men who after a sauna took a dip in the sea. The sun drops gently. There is no shadow of a cloud and the visibility is such that you can see the smoke from the chimneys in Danish territory. The sea begins to dye red until it catches on fire. Slowly but inexorably the sun disappears on the horizon, leaving behind a soft, delicate light that excites. A great way to end a day on the road. See you next time.








