10 September 2017 - Tykarpsgrottan

All photos here are https://goo.gl/xvn6tg

After a week of rain I did not feel like I was waking up with the sun! Perfect weather for a nice day on the road. At 10 punctuated starts. We leave the city soon to head to the Häckeberga nature reserve. A bit of dirt nesting in the woods is always a pleasure. Then to Everlöv to reach after about 65 km to the Vomb lake. Here we stop for the inevitable coffee and a good slice of orange cake prepared the night before. I like to pamper my travel companions! Go back to Ignaberga. The landscape is magnificent and on the road we encounter a huge field of hay bale ready to be collected. The famous "cows". As irresistible as always the desire to climb over it without difficulty seeing the size! Photo of rite and then again on the road. The paved road leaves the dirt road and, as it progresses, becomes ever more exciting. The tom tom points out that the road ends but we continue to follow it until we get to the road again. Few miles and we reach the goal of today's Tykarpsgrottan. For centuries, four feet below the ground, enormous boulders of limestone have been extracted with the sole wedge and hammer strength and with the help of oxen for transport to the outside. The mining activity ended in 1888. All this gave rise to an underground world of 20,000 square meters between corridors and pillars that can be visited today with guided tours in the light of lanterns. Many movies and television series are being shot in these places. During the winter the cave becomes the burden for thousands of bats. After the visit it is time to have an open-air lunch in the equipped area adjacent to the campsite. Of course you can not miss the coffee with the moka and that of the orange cake. It starts again warmed by the sun. The last dirt of the day and then home. Next.







