04 March 2018 - The beauty of the frozen sea

04 March 2018 - The beauty of the frozen sea

All photos here https://goo.gl/V3zpSV

It has snowed abundantly in recent days but despite all the roads are quite free from snow and there is no ice on the asphalt. The sun peeps between the new and the temperature aggiara around -2 degrees. Given the frosts of the past few days I want to take a walk to watch the show of the frozen sea. I take the bike and head towards the long sea of ​​Malmö. The air is sparkling and it is especially nice to keep the visor of the helmet open. I enjoy the walk calmly listening to my favorite music. I come to Ribersborg. A long jetty with a wonderful view of the Turning Torso leads to Kallbadhus where you can have a sauna and immediately take a dip in the frozen waters of the sea! The whole stretch of sea that goes from the beach to the structure is completely frozen. One can safely walk on it. From the terraces where people sit in the sun while drinking something warm, the show is unique and exciting. Shooting the bike I reach the small pier of Ön. Here the sea has practically captured small fishing boats that have been trapped between the ice. Continue towards the Öresund bridge viewpoint. Here the currents have already melted a lot of ice and the warmer temperature of the sea has attracted an infinity of beautiful swans. Walking I reach right under the bridge. From here you have a very special perspective of this majestic structure that unites Denmark to Sweden. It's time for a good coffee with the ever-present mocha accompanied by nutella bread! The aroma of coffee spreads all around and it is like feeling at home but with an extraordinary and unique view. I pick up the bike and head towards Bjärred about 36 km from Malmö. I soon reach the long pier of 500 meters that leads to a restaurant. In the meantime the sun has come out to illuminate a landscape that is nothing short of extraordinary. The low waters of the area are completely frozen and at times the rocks that emerge from the sea have broken the layer of ice to form small islands in a dazzling white expanse. There are those who have enjoyed writing large sentences on the ice. Almost to arrive near the restaurant the ice began to melt creating a mosaic of floating slabs where several birds find rest. The sun begins to disappear disappearing in the clouds but still its light radiates the sea with a wonderful light that warms the body and warms the soul. See you next time








