02 June 2019 - Around with the flea! (Sverige)


02 June 2019 - Around with the flea!

All photos here https://bit.ly/2WnAVFp

Today I brought the flea (my daughter Astrid!) For half a day on the road in Viking land. Enthusiastic as always and super happy for his new helmet cover. The temperature marks 21 degrees and it's three in the afternoon. We leave the city in a hurry to head towards the Häckeberga nature reserve. Near Assertorp we have a pleasant meeting. In a field about twenty fillies with their respective young ones graze peacefully. We stop to watch them. Immediately after arriving, I assume the owner, who invites us to enter and pet the horses. To the delight of my daughter and mine too all the horses approach in search of cuddles and caresses. An extraordinary show and at the same time exciting. We stay a good hour playing with them, caressing them on the face. They are very affectionate and not at all worried about our presence. Reluctantly we leave the horses in their quiet and we continue our journey on an unpaved road. In this area there is a good chance of encountering deer. And in fact a few kilometers later we can see at a distance a nice group in the middle of a field. Following the path before arriving at the castle of Häckeberga, here is a nice roe deer. He does not notice our presence and we can easily admire it from a short distance. It's time to have a snack. Once in Genarp we make a brief stop to buy some sweets and then go to the equipped area of ​​Häckeberga kvarn, the old mill next to a stream. We take out sweets and drinks and of course you can't miss a good cup of coffee for me. We spend the rest of the time playing happily. Unique and unforgettable moments, to always carry with me. Until next time.








